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Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

If you’ve just been involved in a car accident at the fault of another driver, you’re probably still reeling from the traumatic experience. It makes sense that you would want to heal from your injury before you deal with the legal aspects of your accident — but that’s not usually the best route.

You might even be wondering if you need to hire a lawyer at all; “Should I hire a lawyer for a minor car accident?” is a common question we hear from accident victims. Read on to find out when it’s advisable to hire a personal injury lawyer and how hiring one can help you resolve your case quickly and satisfactorily.

Do I Need a Lawyer After My Car Accident?

For most people, the answer to the question “Should I contact a lawyer after car accident?” is a definite yes. The truth is that if you’re in a car accident and don’t contact a lawyer, you could be harming yourself now and down the line — both medically and financially. That’s because some car accident injuries take weeks or even months after the accident occurred to fully understand; this is especially true for spine injuries and head injuries. If you delay contacting a lawyer, you could make it difficult to recover medical or physical therapy costs down the line, particularly if you initially report feeling fine.

Remember, insurance companies will dig for any weakness to deny or undervalue your case, and there are important strategies a personal injury lawyer can explain with a simple (and free) consultation that can make a huge difference.

Don’t put yourself at unnecessary risk. If you’ve been in a car accident due to the negligence of another driver, we strongly encourage that you speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

How Will a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me and My Case?

Some people refrain from consulting a lawyer after an accident because they trust that the insurance company will fairly cover what they are owed for medical bills, auto repair, and lost time at work.

Some people are also too nervous to talk to a lawyer, or are afraid they will be wasting a lawyer’s time. These are all bad reasons to fail to talk to an expert who has your best interest in mind and can help make sure your case is built properly.

An insurance company is a business first and foremost, and it will find any reason it can to deny your claim. Even when an insurance company does pay out, it will often pay the minimum amount possible so that it can make a profit—and this settlement will most likely be substantially less than what the law allows you to recover.

When you consult with an accident lawyer, you have an experienced professional on your side who can help you understand your options. Your lawyer will help you prove the full short- and long-term consequences of your injuries so you can obtain fair compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and changes to your quality of life. Most people do not have the expertise to investigate and prove these losses on their own, or in the most effective way.

It’s also very important to have a lawyer on your side if the liability of the accident is being contested. Personal injury lawyers are experienced at handling such complex cases and dealing with the challenges of working with insurance companies and getting your case prepared for trial (which is what puts the most pressure on insurance companies).

An experienced personal injury lawyer can and should add tremendous value to your case, while also easing your stress by ensuring you are making informed decisions.

How Soon After an Accident Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, we strongly advise you to contact an attorney for representation in your case as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can decide whether having an advocate to help you through the critical steps ahead is best for your case. It is a much better idea to consult with a personal injury lawyer who, by law, must work towards your best interest, rather than to trust an insurance company who wants to pay you as little as they can to minimize their exposure.

It’s important to remember that you should never speak with the defendant’s insurance company without first contacting your personal injury lawyer. Your attorney will take over all communication with the insurance company on your behalf to make sure that you receive the settlement you lawfully deserve, and to ensure you do not fall into any of the many traps insurance companies will lay to ensnare you.

It is also important to get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible after your car accident because personal injury claims need to be investigated. Sometimes this means filing specific notices required by law, or sending out letters to preserve important evidence that can make or break your case. Since personal injury lawyers will consult with you for free (and, at least in the case of FVF, without pressuring you to hire us), it makes sense to take thirty minutes to get educated about the law in your case and make sure you are taking the right steps to put yourself in the best position possible.

When an insurance company sees that you are represented by an experienced lawyer who is strongly advocating for your case, the chances for a good settlement increase drastically.

If you’ve been in a car accident and need to talk to a personal injury lawyer who has substantial experience with auto accident claims, we are here to help. Our mission at FVF is to help good people whose lives have been unexpectedly disrupted make educated choices that can substantially impact the outcome of their case.

We’re sincere in our efforts to help victims recover from an accident and achieve the fair outcome that they deserve. That’s why we invite you to meet with us and discuss your case completely free of charge. Get in touch with us today, and let us help you on your road to recovery.

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