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Austin Workplace Accident Lawyer

Austin Workplace Accident Lawyer

Did you or a loved one sustain injuries in a work-related accident in Austin, TX? Texas workplace injury laws are complex. An experienced Austin workplace accident lawyer at FVF Law can offer guidance and help you understand your legal right to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and more.

Collectively, our lawyers have over 80 years of experience handling complex personal injury and workers’ compensation claims. We’re ready to put that experience to work in your case.

Our lawyers provide free, no-pressure consultations. We believe that everyone should have access to quality legal advice. Contact or call our law office in Austin, Texas to schedule your free consultation today at (512) 982-9328.

How FVF Law Can Help After a Workplace Accident in Austin, TX

How FVF Law Can Help After a Workplace Accident in Austin, TX

Injured workers often have a difficult time recovering fair compensation after a work injury. You may be offered a settlement that doesn’t fully cover your costs.

Even if your employer has workers’ compensation insurance, the Texas Department of Insurance won’t cover the full amount of your lost wages. Your doctor might even try to pressure you into returning to work before you’ve fully recovered.

An experienced Austin personal injury lawyer can help you recover the money you need after an accident.

When you hire FVF Law to protect your interests, you can count on our legal team to:

  • Handle all paperwork and administrative issues in your personal injury case
  • Handle the investigation into your accident
  • Determine all avenues to recovering compensation
  • Gather evidence to prove causation
  • Defend you if your workers’ compensation claim is denied
  • Hire experts and specialists who can testify about your case value
  • Handle all negotiations with the insurance companies on your behalf

Our Austin personal injury attorneys can help you overcome any challenges that you face after a work-related injury. If the insurance company is treating you unfairly or you have questions about your legal rights, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today. We’ll do everything possible to help you get a fair deal.

What Is My Austin Workplace Accident Case Worth?

The value of your workplace accident claim depends on a number of different factors, including:

  • Your average weekly wages prior to the accident
  • The duration of your recovery
  • Whether you’re totally or partially disabled
  • Whether you are able to file a personal injury lawsuit

If workers’ compensation is your sole recourse, there’s a cap on the amount of disability benefits you can receive. Further, you won’t be able to pursue compensation for your non-economic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Our lawyers in Austin can help you determine whether you’re able to seek compensation outside of the workers’ comp system.

Texas workers’ compensation laws are different from most other states. In most states, nearly every employer is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers can claim workers’ compensation benefits anytime they’re injured on the job. In exchange, they forfeit their right to sue the employer for damages in a personal injury claim.

Under Texas laws, Texas employers can opt out of the workers’ compensation system. If they do, they forfeit their right to be protected from lawsuits. If you’re eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against your non-subscribing employer or a negligent third party, your case value could be higher.

That’s partially because workers’ compensation benefits are limited by state law. In 2022, the highest weekly benefit is $1,058. In 2023, the cap increases to $1,112 per week.

What Types of Damages Are Available To Workplace Accident Victims in Texas?

Under Texas workers’ compensation laws, you may be eligible for:

  • Medical benefits to cover all reasonable and necessary medical expenses
  • Temporary income benefits to cover a portion of your wages while you’re unable to work
  • Impairment benefits if your doctor determines that you’ll suffer an impairment even after reaching maximum medical improvement (MMI)
  • Supplemental income benefits if you remain disabled after your impairment benefits expire
  • Lifetime income benefits if you sustain certain specified injuries
  • Death benefits, which are paid to surviving family members in fatal work accident cases

Additional compensation may be available by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury laws allow injured parties to seek compensation for their non-economic losses in addition to their economic damages.

Examples of the types of compensation that may be available in your case include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Nursing care
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Physical disfigurement and scarring
  • Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Loss of consortium

Our Austin workplace accident attorneys would be happy to evaluate your case and determine the types of damages you may receive. To learn more about how we can help, call our law firm to schedule a free case review today.

Can I Recover Damages If I’m Being Blamed for a Workplace Accident in Texas?

In many cases, injured workers who were partly responsible for their own injuries can still obtain compensation. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. If your employer carries workers’ compensation insurance, you can file a claim for benefits even if you caused the accident.

In the personal injury context, Texas modified comparative negligence rules usually limit a victim’s right to recover compensation if they share fault for the accident.

Shared fault laws can reduce the amount of compensation that you may recover from a negligent third party. If you were mostly responsible for the accident, you could lose the right to sue a negligent third party entirely.

We’ll Work To Recover Compensation for All of Your Workplace Accident Injuries

Some of the most common workplace injuries include:

At FVF Law, we believe that injured workers should be protected when they’re hurt on the job. To learn more about how we can support you during this difficult time, call our personal injury law firm in Austin for a free case evaluation today.

What Causes Most Workplace Accidents in Austin, Texas?

Why do so many workplace accidents happen in the first place? Typically, work-related accidents occur because of human error.

Some of the most common causes of work-related accidents include:

  • Failure to provide adequate safety equipment
  • Failure to provide necessary fall protection
  • Negligent property maintenance
  • Scaffolding that is not installed properly
  • Failure to communicate
  • Unqualified or inexperienced workers
  • Dangerous work equipment
  • Exposure to live electrical wires
  • Physical strain
  • Repetitive motions
  • Being crushed between two objects
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Failure to follow state and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety regulations
  • Negligent hiring practices
  • Failure to properly train and supervise employees
  • Assault or sexual assault

Our work injury lawyers handle all types of work accident claims, including those involving:

Do you have questions about your legal options after an accident in the workplace? Call our work injury attorneys in Austin to schedule a free initial consultation today.

How Do I Prove Negligence After a Workplace Accident in Texas?

The workers’ compensation system in Texas doesn’t require that you prove negligence to recover benefits. If your employer is a subscribing employer, you can file a claim for benefits regardless of the cause of your accident.

If a negligent third party was wholly or partly responsible for your injuries, you’ll have to prove negligence to recover damages.

Proving negligence requires proof of:

Our lawyers will investigate to find the evidence that can be used to prove your case. We’ll interview your co-workers, find any video footage, and determine what caused your accident.

How Long Do I Have To File a Lawsuit After a Workplace Accident in Texas?

The statute of limitations under Texas personal injury laws is two years. If you’re eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit, you must do so within two years of the date of the accident.

If your employer carries workers’ compensation insurance, you must file an accident report within 30 days of the accident. If you wait any longer, you may lose your right to workers’ compensation benefits.

Do you have questions about the deadlines in your case? Don’t hesitate to call our lawyers for legal advice today.

Contact an Austin Workplace Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Work-related accidents can change your life in the blink of an eye. If you were injured on the job, recovering fair compensation can go a long way toward helping you get back on your feet again. If you have questions about your legal rights or options, call FVF Law to schedule a free case review with a trusted Austin workplace accident lawyer today.