Operation Blue Santa provides thousands of gifts to families in need in the city of Austin during the holiday season.
Operation Blue Santa March
FVF was a proud banner sponsor for Operation Blue Santa and marched alongside countless others in an effort to provide gifts to families in need.

Facebook "Like" Campaign
During the month of December, FVF ran a Facebook “like” campaign with plans donate $1 to APD’s Operation Blue Santa for every new like to our page. We had a great time learning more about how Blue Santa helps families in need in our community. We ended the campaign with around 1,000 new likes and decided to up the donation to $5,000.
Chuy's Children Giving to Children Parade
FVF sponsored the Anne Richards School Marching Band in Chuy’s Children Giving to Children Parade benefiting Operation Blue Santa. We had a great time sporting our ugly holiday sweatshirts and marching in the parade!